The Podcast helping women who have been hurt heal and grow + LIFE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIST + A SAFE PLACE to work on inner peace + how to spot the red flags + how to stay safe + tips on how to look after you when things are tough + teaching mindset + empowerment strategies + acknowledging life‘s challenges + exploring ways to meet these challenges head on to go from SURVIVING TO RISING. Sandy J is a survivor and helps women recover control over their lives. Please listen and be uplifted, to rise in this safe space where dignity, kindness and compassion are treasured .
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Ep 87 - The Twelve Behaviours that hold Women Back Part 1
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
There are so many women who find themselves in abusive relationships.
As many as one in four, or one in three women, depending on where you live has experienced some form of relationship abuse.
I was one of them.
They say we teach what we need to learn.
This is certainly true when it comes to my own need to learn the twelve behaviors that hold women back.
I am now a Money Minded Coach and a Transformational Life Coach, Pranic Healer and Angel Intuitive.
In this episode, you will gain an insight into six of the twelve behaviors that hold women back.
If you haven't yet got a journal, get one, as it will be an important tool in your working through transitioning out of a relationship.
Here is to a better brighter future.
Stay well and stay safe.
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship you may need support to help you with your challenges.
Get your crisis support list for Australia here
For those outside Australia google domestic abuse free online counseling support services.
This podcast needs support to grow and reach more victims and survivors of abusive relationships.
Become a Patron of the Tiaras Tears and Triumphs Podcast here
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship and you need financial support to help you with your challenges.
Seek financial support in Australia to leave an abusive relationship, $5,000 grant
If you would like to close the door on fearfulness and open the doors to making your dreams come true visit our website
Ready to invest in your success, ready to stop thinking about what you don't want, and get clear on your dreams and desires?
Say YES to breakthrough before you breakdown complimentary clarity call
Say YES to the Unlock your Dreams One-on-One Session
Say YES to the Guidance and Healing One-on-One Session
Need help making money stretch? Have you gone through financial abuse?
Why not get your free copy of the Money Mindset & Freedom Journal today to help you take back control of your finances.
Have you forgotten your value? Have you lost your confidence?
Did you know that a low self-worth is the greatest block to abundance.
Why not join the next online women's healing and empowerment workshop to Unlock the Treasures Within.
When you know your self-worth you can improve your net-worth
Want some help with your journaling journey? Have you lost your intuition or inner wisdom?
Why not get your copy of a simple daily journal with simple exercises designed to help you trust your intuition and your inner wisdom.
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals USA
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Australia
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals UK
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Canada
Looking for a safe supportive social media online community?
Your net worth is equal to your network, so start rebuilding your social and professional network today.
Why not join women from all around the world from all walks of life in the
Rise Up with Tiaras Tears and Triumphs
If you like inspiring stories you may like to read By God's Grace I Go and other real-life stories of women of faith.
You can do this by getting a copy of
When Grace Found Me Volume Three
in Australia here
in USA here
in United Kingdom here
If you feel unsafe at any time please STOP LISTENING.
You can come back anytime you are in a safe place to listen to the rest of the Podcast.
YOUR SAFETY is the most important thing to consider, closely followed by your sanity.
As impossible as it may seem, everything else is figure-out-able, especially when you get the right keys to open the right doors and to close the doors of fearfulness behind you.
If you are in immediate DANGER call the Police.
If you are struggling with your mental health please reach out for support with some form of counseling, therapy, or coaching.
If you don’t know where to start to find a counselor, a good place to start is to talk to your Doctor.
There are also online counseling supports now available.
If the Support Person is not a good fit for you, try another and another, until you have one that is the right fit for you.
And don't forget, we help women to heal and grow, and help them to meet their challenges head-on, to move towards a life they love, so feel free to book in the key to be clarity call.
- If you listen to the Podcast and you like it, please SUBSCRIBE, you will automatically be updated with new episodes as soon as they are available.
- If you like the episode, please leave a REVIEW for other people to know that this has value.
- If you know of anyone you think this Podcast might help, please SHARE it with others.
Until next time, stay well and stay safe.
Sending you love, light, peace, and joy,
Sandy J
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Ep 86 - Three Mistakes Women Make When They Leave An Abusive Relationship
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
There are so many women who find themselves in abusive relationships.
As many as one in four, or one in three women, depending on where you live has experienced some form of relationship abuse.
I was one of them.
They say we teach what we need to learn.
This is certainly true when it comes to my own need to learn the three mistakes that women make when they leave an abusive relationship and what they need to do to avoid making these mistakes.
I am now a Money Minded Coach and a Transformational Life Coach, Pranic Healer and Angel Intuitive.
In this episode, you will see the pitfalls and get tons of tips on how to navigate the many challenges women face when leaving an abusive partner.
If you haven't yet got a journal, get one, as it will be an important tool in you working through transitioning out of a relationship.
Here is to a better brighter future.
Stay well and stay safe.
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship you may need support to help you with your challenges.
Get your crisis support list for Australia here
For those outside Australia google domestic abuse free online counseling support services.
This podcast needs support to grow and reach more victims and survivors of abusive relationships.
Become a Patron of the Tiaras Tears and Triumphs Podcast here
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship and you need financial support to help you with your challenges.
Seek financial support in Australia to leave an abusive relationship, $5,000 grant
If you would like to close the door on fearfulness and open the doors to making your dreams come true visit our website
Ready to invest in your success, ready to stop thinking about what you don't want, and get clear on your dreams and desires?
Say YES to unlocking the door to your dreams with the key to be clarity call
Need help making money stretch? Have you gone through financial abuse?
Why not get your free copy of the Money Mindset & Freedom Journal today to help you take back control of your finances.
Have you forgotten your value? Have you lost your confidence?
Did you know that a low self-worth is the greatest block to abundance.
Why not join the next online women's healing and empowerment workshop to Unlock the Treasures Within.
When you know your self-worth you can improve your net-worth
Want some help with your journaling journey? Have you lost your intuition or inner wisdom?
Why not get your copy of a simple daily journal with simple exercises designed to help you trust your intuition and your inner wisdom.
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals USA
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Australia
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals UK
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Canada
Looking for a safe supportive social media online community?
Your net worth is equal to your network, so start rebuilding your social and professional network today.
Why not join women from all around the world from all walks of life in the
Rise Up with Tiaras Tears and Triumphs
If you like inspiring stories you may like to read By God's Grace I Go and other real-life stories of women of faith.
You can do this by getting a copy of
When Grace Found Me Volume Three
in Australia here
in USA here
in United Kingdom here
If you feel unsafe at any time please STOP LISTENING.
You can come back anytime you are in a safe place to listen to the rest of the Podcast.
YOUR SAFETY is the most important thing to consider, closely followed by your sanity.
As impossible as it may seem, everything else is figure-out-able, especially when you get the right keys to open the right doors and to close the doors of fearfulness behind you.
If you are in immediate DANGER call the Police.
If you are struggling with your mental health please reach out for support with some form of counseling, therapy, or coaching.
If you don’t know where to start to find a counselor, a good place to start is to talk to your Doctor.
There are also online counseling supports now available.
If the Support Person is not a good fit for you, try another and another, until you have one that is the right fit for you.
And don't forget, we help women to heal and grow, and help them to meet their challenges head-on, to move towards a life they love, so feel free to book in the key to be clarity call.
- If you listen to the Podcast and you like it, please SUBSCRIBE, you will automatically be updated with new episodes as soon as they are available.
- If you like the episode, please leave a REVIEW for other people to know that this has value.
- If you know of anyone you think this Podcast might help, please SHARE it with others.
Until next time, stay well and stay safe.
Sending you love, light, peace, and joy,
Sandy J
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
There are so many women who find themselves in abusive relationships.
As many as one in four, or one in three women, depending on where you live has experienced some form of relationship abuse.
I was one of them and so was my special guest today Elyse Alexander from Burning Pure.
In this episode, we have a conversation about why you need to listen to the whispers of your burning desires to help heal your life.
Maybe you have forgotten what you truly want in life.
Maybe you think that what you want is a luxury you cannot afford to dwell on.
Maybe you are afraid to fail by going after the things you want.
And maybe you are afraid to succeed because you have had to play it small just to survive and that is all you know, so even if it is not the way you want to live, it actually feels like the safest option.
There are so many things that can hold us back from listening to the whispers of our heart's desires.
Find out how listening to those desires and taking action to achieve them will help you on your journey to heal from your past hurts and trauma.
Here is to you connecting with your dreams and desires.
Stay well and stay safe.
If you would like to close the door on fearfulness and open the doors to making your dreams come true visit our website
Connect with Elyse Alexander from Burning Pure
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship you may need support to help you with your challenges.
Get your crisis support list for Australia here
For those outside Australia google domestic abuse free online counseling support services.
This podcast needs support to grow and reach more victims and survivors of abusive relationships.
Become a Patron of the Tiaras Tears and Triumphs Podcast here
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship and you need financial support to help you with your challenges.
Seek financial support in Australia to leave an abusive relationship, $5,000 grant
If you would like to close the door on fearfulness and open the doors to making your dreams come true visit our website
Ready to invest in your success, ready to stop thinking about what you don't want, and get clear on your dreams and desires?
Say YES to unlocking the door to your dreams with the key to be clarity call
Need help making money stretch? Have you gone through financial abuse?
Why not get your free copy of the Money Mindset & Freedom Journal today to help you take back control of your finances.
Have you forgotten your value? Have you lost your confidence?
Did you know that low self-worth is the greatest block to abundance?
Why not join the next online women's healing and empowerment workshop to Unlock the Treasures Within.
When you know your self-worth you can improve your net-worth
Want some help with your journaling journey? Have you lost your intuition or inner wisdom?
Why not get your copy of a simple daily journal with simple exercises designed to help you trust your intuition and your inner wisdom.
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals USA
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Australia
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals UK
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Canada
Looking for a safe supportive social media online community?
Your net worth is equal to your network, so start rebuilding your social and professional network today.
Why not join women from all around the world from all walks of life in the
Rise Up with Tiaras Tears and Triumphs
If you like inspiring stories you may like to read By God's Grace I Go and other real-life stories of women of faith.
You can do this by getting a copy of
When Grace Found Me Volume Three
in Australia here
in USA here
in United Kingdom here
If you feel unsafe at any time please STOP LISTENING.
You can come back anytime you are in a safe place to listen to the rest of the Podcast.
YOUR SAFETY is the most important thing to consider, closely followed by your sanity.
As impossible as it may seem, everything else is figure-out-able, especially when you get the right keys to open the right doors and to close the doors of fearfulness behind you.
If you are in immediate DANGER call the Police.
If you are struggling with your mental health please reach out for support with some form of counseling, therapy, or coaching.
If you don’t know where to start to find a counselor, a good place to start is to talk to your Doctor.
There are also online counseling supports now available.
If the Support Person is not a good fit for you, try another and another, until you have one that is the right fit for you.
And don't forget, we help women to heal and grow, and help them to meet their challenges head-on, to move towards a life they love, so feel free to book in the key to be clarity call.
- If you listen to the Podcast and you like it, please SUBSCRIBE, you will automatically be updated with new episodes as soon as they are available.
- If you like the episode, please leave a REVIEW for other people to know that this has value.
- If you know of anyone you think this Podcast might help, please SHARE it with others.
Until next time, stay well and stay safe.
Sending you love, light, peace, and joy,
Sandy J
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Ep 84 - Six Reasons to Budget and Ten Tips on How to Budget
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
There are so many women who find themselves in abusive relationships.
As many as one in four, or one in three women, depending on where you live has experienced some form of relationship abuse.
I was one of them.
They say we teach what we need to learn.
This is certainly true when it comes to healing my relationship with money and my hip pocket too after coming out the other side of an abusive relationship.
I am now a Money Minded Coach and a Transformational Life Coach.
In this episode, you will get tips to heal your relationship with money and allow more abundance to flow into your life as well as ways to take back control of your finances.
The focus of this episode is on the dreaded B word, that most people avoid like the plague.
Plus you get six reasons to budget and Ten Tips on how to budget.
To help you achieve this please download the free Money Minded Journal and Freedom Planner, a printable ebook with easy-to-follow templates.
Here is to a better brighter future.
Stay well and stay safe.
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship you may need support to help you with your challenges.
Get your crisis support list for Australia here
For those outside Australia google domestic abuse free online counseling support services.
This podcast needs support to grow and reach more victims and survivors of abusive relationships.
Become a Patron of the Tiaras Tears and Triumphs Podcast here
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship and you need financial support to help you with your challenges.
Seek financial support in Australia to leave an abusive relationship, $5,000 grant
If you would like to close the door on fearfulness and open the doors to making your dreams come true visit our website
Ready to invest in your success, ready to stop thinking about what you don't want, and get clear on your dreams and desires?
Say YES to unlocking the door to your dreams with the key to be clarity call
Need help making money stretch? Have you gone through financial abuse?
Why not get your free copy of the Money Mindset & Freedom Journal today to help you take back control of your finances.
Have you forgotten your value? Have you lost your confidence?
Did you know that a low self-worth is the greatest block to abundance.
Why not join the next online women's healing and empowerment workshop to Unlock the Treasures Within.
When you know your self-worth you can improve your net-worth
Want some help with your journaling journey? Have you lost your intuition or inner wisdom?
Why not get your copy of a simple daily journal with simple exercises designed to help you trust your intuition and your inner wisdom.
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals USA
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Australia
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals UK
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Canada
Looking for a safe supportive social media online community?
Your net worth is equal to your network, so start rebuilding your social and professional network today.
Why not join women from all around the world from all walks of life in the
Rise Up with Tiaras Tears and Triumphs
If you like inspiring stories you may like to read By God's Grace I Go and other real-life stories of women of faith.
You can do this by getting a copy of
When Grace Found Me Volume Three
in Australia here
in USA here
in United Kingdom here
If you feel unsafe at any time please STOP LISTENING.
You can come back anytime you are in a safe place to listen to the rest of the Podcast.
YOUR SAFETY is the most important thing to consider, closely followed by your sanity.
As impossible as it may seem, everything else is figure-out-able, especially when you get the right keys to open the right doors and to close the doors of fearfulness behind you.
If you are in immediate DANGER call the Police.
If you are struggling with your mental health please reach out for support with some form of counseling, therapy, or coaching.
If you don’t know where to start to find a counselor, a good place to start is to talk to your Doctor.
There are also online counseling supports now available.
If the Support Person is not a good fit for you, try another and another, until you have one that is the right fit for you.
And don't forget, we help women to heal and grow, and help them to meet their challenges head-on, to move towards a life they love, so feel free to book in the key to be clarity call.
- If you listen to the Podcast and you like it, please SUBSCRIBE, you will automatically be updated with new episodes as soon as they are available.
- If you like the episode, please leave a REVIEW for other people to know that this has value.
- If you know of anyone you think this Podcast might help, please SHARE it with others.
Until next time, stay well and stay safe.
Sending you love, light, peace, and joy,
Sandy J
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Ep 83 - Saving Yourself by Learning How to Save
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
There are so many women who find themselves in abusive relationships.
As many as one in four, or one in three women, depending on where you live has experienced some form of relationship abuse.
I was one of them.
They say we teach what we need to learn.
This is certainly true when it comes to healing my relationship with money and my hip pocket too after coming out the other side of an abusive relationship.
I am now a Money Minded Coach and a Transformational Life Coach.
In this episode, you will get tips to heal your relationship with money and allow more abundance to flow into your life as well as ways to take back control of your finances.
The focus of this episode is to help you save yourself by learning how to save and why it is so important to your outlook about money to have some savings.
Plus giving tips to help you to learn to save.
To help you achieve this please download the free Money Minded Journal and Freedom Planner, a printable ebook with easy-to-follow templates.
Here is to a better brighter future.
Stay well and stay safe.
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship you may need support to help you with your challenges.
Get your crisis support list for Australia here
For those outside Australia google domestic abuse free online counseling support services.
This podcast needs support to grow and reach more victims and survivors of abusive relationships.
Become a Patron of the Tiaras Tears and Triumphs Podcast here
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship and you need financial support to help you with your challenges.
Seek financial support in Australia to leave an abusive relationship, $5,000 grant
If you would like to close the door on fearfulness and open the doors to making your dreams come true visit our website
Ready to invest in your success, ready to stop thinking about what you don't want, and get clear on your dreams and desires?
Say YES to unlocking the door to your dreams with the key to be clarity call
Need help making money stretch? Have you gone through financial abuse?
Why not get your free copy of the Money Mindset & Freedom Journal today to help you take back control of your finances.
Have you forgotten your value? Have you lost your confidence?
Did you know that a low self-worth is the greatest block to abundance.
Why not join the next online women's healing and empowerment workshop to Unlock the Treasures Within.
When you know your self-worth you can improve your net-worth
Want some help with your journaling journey? Have you lost your intuition or inner wisdom?
Why not get your copy of a simple daily journal with simple exercises designed to help you trust your intuition and your inner wisdom.
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals USA
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Australia
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals UK
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Canada
Looking for a safe supportive social media online community?
Your net worth is equal to your network, so start rebuilding your social and professional network today.
Why not join women from all around the world from all walks of life in the
Rise Up with Tiaras Tears and Triumphs
If you like inspiring stories you may like to read By God's Grace I Go and other real-life stories of women of faith.
You can do this by getting a copy of
When Grace Found Me Volume Three
in Australia here
in USA here
in United Kingdom here
If you feel unsafe at any time please STOP LISTENING.
You can come back anytime you are in a safe place to listen to the rest of the Podcast.
YOUR SAFETY is the most important thing to consider, closely followed by your sanity.
As impossible as it may seem, everything else is figure-out-able, especially when you get the right keys to open the right doors and to close the doors of fearfulness behind you.
If you are in immediate DANGER call the Police.
If you are struggling with your mental health please reach out for support with some form of counseling, therapy, or coaching.
If you don’t know where to start to find a counselor, a good place to start is to talk to your Doctor.
There are also online counseling supports now available.
If the Support Person is not a good fit for you, try another and another, until you have one that is the right fit for you.
And don't forget, we help women to heal and grow, and help them to meet their challenges head-on, to move towards a life they love, so feel free to book in the key to be clarity call.
- If you listen to the Podcast and you like it, please SUBSCRIBE, you will automatically be updated with new episodes as soon as they are available.
- If you like the episode, please leave a REVIEW for other people to know that this has value.
- If you know of anyone you think this Podcast might help, please SHARE it with others.
Until next time, stay well and stay safe.
Sending you love, light, peace, and joy,
Sandy J
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
There are so many women who find themselves in abusive relationships.
As many as one in four, or one in three women, depending on where you live has experienced some form of relationship abuse.
I was one of them.
They say we teach what we need to learn.
This is certainly true when it comes to healing my relationship with money and my hip pocket too after coming out the other side of an abusive relationship.
I am now a Money Minded Coach and a Transformational Life Coach.
In this episode, you will get tips to heal your relationship with money and allow more abundance to flow into your life as well as ways to take back control of your finances.
The focus of this episode is to help you change from being a money worrier to a money warrior, loading you up with lots of great meditations.
Plus giving tips to help manage debt.
To help you achieve this please download the free Money Minded Journal and Freedom Planner, a printable ebook with easy-to-follow templates.
Here is to a better brighter future.
Stay well and stay safe.
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship you may need support to help you with your challenges.
Get your crisis support list for Australia here
For those outside Australia google domestic abuse free online counseling support services.
This podcast needs support to grow and reach more victims and survivors of abusive relationships.
Become a Patron of the Tiaras Tears and Triumphs Podcast here
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship and you need financial support to help you with your challenges.
Seek financial support in Australia to leave an abusive relationship, $5,000 grant
If you would like to close the door on fearfulness and open the doors to making your dreams come true visit our website
Ready to invest in your success, ready to stop thinking about what you don't want, and get clear on your dreams and desires?
Say YES to unlocking the door to your dreams with the key to be clarity call
Need help making money stretch? Have you gone through financial abuse?
Why not get your free copy of the Money Mindset & Freedom Journal today to help you take back control of your finances.
Have you forgotten your value? Have you lost your confidence?
Did you know that a low self-worth is the greatest block to abundance.
Why not join the next online women's healing and empowerment workshop to Unlock the Treasures Within.
When you know your self-worth you can improve your net-worth
Want some help with your journaling journey? Have you lost your intuition or inner wisdom?
Why not get your copy of a simple daily journal with simple exercises designed to help you trust your intuition and your inner wisdom.
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals USA
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Australia
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals UK
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Canada
Looking for a safe supportive social media online community?
Your net worth is equal to your network, so start rebuilding your social and professional network today.
Why not join women from all around the world from all walks of life in the
Rise Up with Tiaras Tears and Triumphs
If you like inspiring stories you may like to read By God's Grace I Go and other real-life stories of women of faith.
You can do this by getting a copy of
When Grace Found Me Volume Three
in Australia here
in USA here
in United Kingdom here
If you feel unsafe at any time please STOP LISTENING.
You can come back anytime you are in a safe place to listen to the rest of the Podcast.
YOUR SAFETY is the most important thing to consider, closely followed by your sanity.
As impossible as it may seem, everything else is figure-out-able, especially when you get the right keys to open the right doors and to close the doors of fearfulness behind you.
If you are in immediate DANGER call the Police.
If you are struggling with your mental health please reach out for support with some form of counseling, therapy, or coaching.
If you don’t know where to start to find a counselor, a good place to start is to talk to your Doctor.
There are also online counseling supports now available.
If the Support Person is not a good fit for you, try another and another, until you have one that is the right fit for you.
And don't forget, we help women to heal and grow, and help them to meet their challenges head-on, to move towards a life they love, so feel free to book in the key to be clarity call.
- If you listen to the Podcast and you like it, please SUBSCRIBE, you will automatically be updated with new episodes as soon as they are available.
- If you like the episode, please leave a REVIEW for other people to know that this has value.
- If you know of anyone you think this Podcast might help, please SHARE it with others.
Until next time, stay well and stay safe.
Sending you love, light, peace, and joy,
Sandy J
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
There are so many women who find themselves in abusive relationships.
As many as one in four, or one in three women, depending on where you live has experienced some form of relationship abuse.
I was one of them.
They say we teach what we need to learn.
This is certainly true when it comes to healing my relationship with money and my hip pocket too after coming out the other side of an abusive relationship.
I am now a Money Minded Coach and a Life Coach.
In this episode, you will get tips to heal your relationship with money and allow more abundance to flow into your life as well as ways to take back control of your finances.
To help you achieve this please download the free Money Minded Journal and Freedom Planner, a printable ebook with easy-to-follow templates.
Here is to a better brighter future.
Stay well and stay safe.
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship you may need support to help you with your challenges.
Get your crisis support list for Australia here
For those outside Australia google domestic abuse free online counseling support services.
This podcast needs support to grow and reach more victims and survivors of abusive relationships.
Become a Patron of the Tiaras Tears and Triumphs Podcast here
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship and you need financial support to help you with your challenges.
Seek financial support in Australia to leave an abusive relationship, $5,000 grant
If you would like to close the door on fearfulness and open the doors to making your dreams come true visit our website
Ready to invest in your success, ready to stop thinking about what you don't want, and get clear on your dreams and desires?
Say YES to unlocking the door to your dreams with the key to be clarity call
Need help making money stretch? Have you gone through financial abuse?
Why not get your free copy of the Money Mindset & Freedom Journal today to help you take back control of your finances.
Have you forgotten your value? Have you lost your confidence?
Did you know that a low self-worth is the greatest block to abundance.
Why not join the next online women's healing and empowerment workshop to Unlock the Treasures Within.
When you know your self-worth you can improve your net-worth
Want some help with your journaling journey? Have you lost your intuition or inner wisdom?
Why not get your copy of a simple daily journal with simple exercises designed to help you trust your intuition and your inner wisdom.
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals USA
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Australia
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals UK
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Canada
Looking for a safe supportive social media online community?
Your net worth is equal to your network, so start rebuilding your social and professional network today.
Why not join women from all around the world from all walks of life in the
Rise Up with Tiaras Tears and Triumphs
If you like inspiring stories you may like to read By God's Grace I Go and other real-life stories of women of faith.
You can do this by getting a copy of
When Grace Found Me Volume Three
in Australia here
in USA here
in United Kingdom here
If you feel unsafe at any time please STOP LISTENING.
You can come back anytime you are in a safe place to listen to the rest of the Podcast.
YOUR SAFETY is the most important thing to consider, closely followed by your sanity.
As impossible as it may seem, everything else is figure-out-able, especially when you get the right keys to open the right doors and to close the doors of fearfulness behind you.
If you are in immediate DANGER call the Police.
If you are struggling with your mental health please reach out for support with some form of counseling, therapy, or coaching.
If you don’t know where to start to find a counselor, a good place to start is to talk to your Doctor.
There are also online counseling supports now available.
If the Support Person is not a good fit for you, try another and another, until you have one that is the right fit for you.
And don't forget, we help women to heal and grow, and help them to meet their challenges head-on, to move towards a life they love, so feel free to book in the key to be clarity call.
- If you listen to the Podcast and you like it, please SUBSCRIBE, you will automatically be updated with new episodes as soon as they are available.
- If you like the episode, please leave a REVIEW for other people to know that this has value.
- If you know of anyone you think this Podcast might help, please SHARE it with others.
Until next time, stay well and stay safe.
Sending you love, light, peace, and joy,
Sandy J
Sunday Jan 23, 2022
Ep 80 - Top 3 Tips to Breakaway from the Storm of an Abusive Relationship
Sunday Jan 23, 2022
Sunday Jan 23, 2022
There are so many women who find themselves in abusive relationships.
As many as one in four, or one in three women, depending on where you live has experienced some form of relationship abuse.
I was one of them.
Understanding that you are not in control of the storm that is an abusive relationship is what will help you to find the courage that you need to break free and get to a safe distance away from the storm.
This episode highlights the top 3 ways to break away from an abusive relationship with minimizing the risks to your safety.
1) Go and visit a friend and talk face to face to your friend and ask them to search for a domestic abuse support service in your area online using one of their devices. Then use your friend's phone to call the domestic abuse support service to tell them that you do not feel safe at home with your partner and you need their help.
Be prepared to follow their advice and be prepared to go into a refuge if that is what will be the thing that will help you to get to a safe distance away from your abusive partner.
Be prepared to go with whatever you have on hand if it is not safe for you to return home.
Do not let your partner know of your intentions.
Do not share where you are going with anybody.
You can still check back in with your friend to let them know that you are ok, but you cannot share your location with anybody, especially not your abusive partner.
This is the time to go no contact with your partner - no phone calls, no messages, no emails, no communication, resist all temptation, this will help you to stay safe.
2) Doctors, Hospitals, and other Healthcare practitioners can be a fantastic gateway to make contact with a domestic abuse support service.
Let them know that you do not feel safe going home because of hostile behavior from your partner and ask them to please help you to connect with a domestic abuse support service.
Again, be prepared to take this opportunity to make a break for it and leave.
Refer to the above information.
3) Facebook groups - if you are feeling super isolated and unable to connect with a friend or with a healthcare practitioner and you are a part of a Facebook group that focuses on helping victims and survivors of abusive relationships you may wish to contact the group Administrator and ask them to help you find a contact for a domestic abuse support service in your area.
Use every precaution with this option as your partner may be surveilling your social media.
Erase private messages or direct messages and comments.
Remember your safety is the most important thing to consider.
Stay well and stay safe.
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship you may need support to help you with your challenges.
Get your crisis support list for Australia here
For those outside Australia google domestic abuse free online counseling support services.
This podcast needs support to grow and reach more victims and survivors of abusive relationships.
Become a Patron of the Tiaras Tears and Triumphs Podcast here
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship and you need financial support to help you with your challenges.
Seek financial support in Australia to leave an abusive relationship, $5,000 grant
If you would like to close the door on fearfulness and open the doors to making your dreams come true visit our website
Ready to invest in your success, ready to stop thinking about what you don't want, and get clear on your dreams and desires?
Say YES to unlocking the door to your dreams with the key to be clarity call
Need help making money stretch? Have you gone through financial abuse?
Why not get your free copy of the Money Mindset & Freedom Journal today to help you take back control of your finances.
Have you forgotten your value? Have you lost your confidence?
Did you know that a low self-worth is the greatest block to abundance.
Why not join the next online women's healing and empowerment workshop to Unlock the Treasures Within.
When you know your self-worth you can improve your net-worth
Want some help with your journaling journey? Have you lost your intuition or inner wisdom?
Why not get your copy of a simple daily journal with simple exercises designed to help you trust your intuition and your inner wisdom.
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals USA
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Australia
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals UK
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Canada
Looking for a safe supportive social media online community?
Your net worth is equal to your network, so start rebuilding your social and professional network today.
Why not join women from all around the world from all walks of life in the
Rise Up with Tiaras Tears and Triumphs
If you like inspiring stories you may like to read By God's Grace I Go and other real-life stories of women of faith.
You can do this by getting a copy of
When Grace Found Me Volume Three
in Australia here
in USA here
in United Kingdom here
If you feel unsafe at any time please STOP LISTENING.
You can come back anytime you are in a safe place to listen to the rest of the Podcast.
YOUR SAFETY is the most important thing to consider, closely followed by your sanity.
As impossible as it may seem, everything else is figure-out-able, especially when you get the right keys to open the right doors and to close the doors of fearfulness behind you.
If you are in immediate DANGER call the Police.
If you are struggling with your mental health please reach out for support with some form of counseling, therapy, or coaching.
If you don’t know where to start to find a counselor, a good place to start is to talk to your Doctor.
There are also online counseling supports now available.
If the Support Person is not a good fit for you, try another and another, until you have one that is the right fit for you.
And don't forget, we help women to heal and grow, and help them to meet their challenges head-on, to move towards a life they love, so feel free to book in the key to be clarity call.
- If you listen to the Podcast and you like it, please SUBSCRIBE, you will automatically be updated with new episodes as soon as they are available.
- If you like the episode, please leave a REVIEW for other people to know that this has value.
- If you know of anyone you think this Podcast might help, please SHARE it with others.
Until next time, stay well and stay safe.
Sending you love, light, peace, and joy,
Sandy J
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Ep 79 - The first step away from fearfulness and towards feeling free
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
There are so many women who find themselves in abusive relationships.
As many as one in four, or one in three women, depending on where you live has experienced some form of relationship abuse.
I was one of them.
The fallout from abusive relationships can last for years after a woman breaks away from an abusive relationship.
Physical wounds will often heal long before the psychological damage begins to heal.
This is why this episode focuses on the first step you need to take to begin to move away from fearfulness towards feeling truly free to be who you want to be in your life.
This first step is part of a simple unique 9 step healing system that will help you close the door on fearfulness and reignite your dreams so that you can make the most of the doors that will open with new opportunities to take you forward to a fresh start with a life that you feel in control of again.
Access the links for the workshop, the love and abundance meditation and the Rise Up with Tiaras Tears and Triumphs Facebook group.
The workshop will help you bolster your self-worth. Low self-worth is the greatest block to abundance. Once you bolster your self-worth abundance can begin to flow back into your life.
The Love and Abundance guided meditation will help you transform your subconscious beliefs and again invite more love and abundance into your life.
The Rise Up with Tiaras Tears and Triumphs group will help you to Face Everything And Rise. You will receive support with your challenges and you will receive inspiration and motivation.
And don't forget to spend five minutes writing a list of your most critical needs and reach out to the appropriate support services to get the support you need.
Wishing you health, wealth, and happiness!
Stay well and stay safe.
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship you may need support to help you with your challenges.
Get your crisis support list for Australia here
For those outside Australia google domestic abuse free online counseling support services.
This podcast needs support to grow and reach more victims and survivors of abusive relationships.
Become a Patron of the Tiaras Tears and Triumphs Podcast here
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship and you need financial support to help you with your challenges.
Seek financial support in Australia to leave an abusive relationship, $5,000 grant
If you would like to close the door on fearfulness and open the doors to making your dreams come true visit our website
Ready to invest in your success, ready to stop thinking about what you don't want, and get clear on your dreams and desires?
Say YES to unlocking the door to your dreams with the key to be clarity call
Need help making money stretch? Have you gone through financial abuse?
Why not get your free copy of the Money Mindset & Freedom Journal today to help you take back control of your finances.
Have you forgotten your value? Have you lost your confidence?
Did you know that a low self-worth is the greatest block to abundance.
Why not join the next online women's healing and empowerment workshop to Unlock the Treasures Within.
When you know your self-worth you can improve your net-worth
Want some help with your journaling journey? Have you lost your intuition or inner wisdom?
Why not get your copy of a simple daily journal with simple exercises designed to help you trust your intuition and your inner wisdom.
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals USA
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Australia
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals UK
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Canada
Looking for a safe supportive social media online community?
Your net worth is equal to your network, so start rebuilding your social and professional network today.
Why not join women from all around the world from all walks of life in the
Rise Up with Tiaras Tears and Triumphs
If you like inspiring stories you may like to read By God's Grace I Go and other real-life stories of women of faith.
You can do this by getting a copy of
When Grace Found Me Volume Three
in Australia here
in USA here
in United Kingdom here
If you feel unsafe at any time please STOP LISTENING.
You can come back anytime you are in a safe place to listen to the rest of the Podcast.
YOUR SAFETY is the most important thing to consider, closely followed by your sanity.
As impossible as it may seem, everything else is figure-out-able, especially when you get the right keys to open the right doors and to close the doors of fearfulness behind you.
If you are in immediate DANGER call the Police.
If you are struggling with your mental health please reach out for support with some form of counseling, therapy, or coaching.
If you don’t know where to start to find a counselor, a good place to start is to talk to your Doctor.
There are also online counseling supports now available.
If the Support Person is not a good fit for you, try another and another, until you have one that is the right fit for you.
And don't forget, we help women to heal and grow, and help them to meet their challenges head-on, to move towards a life they love, so feel free to book in the key to be clarity call.
- If you listen to the Podcast and you like it, please SUBSCRIBE, you will automatically be updated with new episodes as soon as they are available.
- If you like the episode, please leave a REVIEW for other people to know that this has value.
- If you know of anyone you think this Podcast might help, please SHARE it with others.
Until next time, stay well and stay safe.
Sending you love, light, peace, and joy,
Sandy J
Sunday Jan 09, 2022
Ep 78 -10 Tips to help you fit self-care into your life and make it work.
Sunday Jan 09, 2022
Sunday Jan 09, 2022
There are so many women who find themselves in abusive relationships.
As many as one in four, or one in three women, depending on where you live has experienced some form of relationship abuse.
I was one of them.
Women, in general, can neglect their self-care for many different reasons.
But there is no time like now where self-care needs to be on the top of all women's priority lists.
To help make this happen, here are 10 tips to help you fit self-care into your life and make it work.
Wishing you health, wealth, and happiness!
Stay well and stay safe.
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship you may need support to help you with your challenges.
Get your crisis support list for Australia here
For those outside Australia google domestic abuse free online counseling support services.
This podcast needs support to grow and reach more victims and survivors of abusive relationships.
Become a Patron of the Tiaras Tears and Triumphs Podcast here
If you are a victim or survivor of an abusive relationship and you need financial support to help you with your challenges.
Seek financial support in Australia to leave an abusive relationship, $5,000 grant
If you would like to close the door on fearfulness and open the doors to making your dreams come true visit our website
Ready to invest in your success, ready to stop thinking about what you don't want, and get clear on your dreams and desires?
Say YES to unlocking the door to your dreams with the key to be clarity call
Need help making money stretch? Have you gone through financial abuse?
Why not get your free copy of the Money Mindset & Freedom Journal today to help you take back control of your finances.
Have you forgotten your value? Have you lost your confidence?
Did you know that a low self-worth is the greatest block to abundance.
Why not join the next online women's healing and empowerment workshop to Unlock the Treasures Within.
When you know your self-worth you can improve your net-worth
Want some help with your journaling journey? Have you lost your intuition or inner wisdom?
Why not get your copy of a simple daily journal with simple exercises designed to help you trust your intuition and your inner wisdom.
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals USA
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Australia
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals UK
Intuition & Inner Wisdom Journals Canada
Looking for a safe supportive social media online community?
Your net worth is equal to your network, so start rebuilding your social and professional network today.
Why not join women from all around the world from all walks of life in the
Rise Up with Tiaras Tears and Triumphs
If you like inspiring stories you may like to read By God's Grace I Go and other real-life stories of women of faith.
You can do this by getting a copy of
When Grace Found Me Volume Three
in Australia here
in USA here
in United Kingdom here
If you feel unsafe at any time please STOP LISTENING.
You can come back anytime you are in a safe place to listen to the rest of the Podcast.
YOUR SAFETY is the most important thing to consider, closely followed by your sanity.
As impossible as it may seem, everything else is figure-out-able, especially when you get the right keys to open the right doors and to close the doors of fearfulness behind you.
If you are in immediate DANGER call the Police.
If you are struggling with your mental health please reach out for support with some form of counseling, therapy, or coaching.
If you don’t know where to start to find a counselor, a good place to start is to talk to your Doctor.
There are also online counseling supports now available.
If the Support Person is not a good fit for you, try another and another, until you have one that is the right fit for you.
And don't forget, we help women to heal and grow, and help them to meet their challenges head-on, to move towards a life they love, so feel free to book in the key to be clarity call.
- If you listen to the Podcast and you like it, please SUBSCRIBE, you will automatically be updated with new episodes as soon as they are available.
- If you like the episode, please leave a REVIEW for other people to know that this has value.
- If you know of anyone you think this Podcast might help, please SHARE it with others.
Until next time, stay well and stay safe.
Sending you love, light, peace, and joy,
Sandy J